Thursday, February 10, 2011

How do i get access to nvq students in order to complete a1 assessor award course?

Sometimes we get asked questions such as this or related nvq care assessor award questions
The answer simply is to make sure you are enrolled in an NVQ Center in your chosen field of assessment. You will then need to Assess two candidates to enable you to complete your A1 nvq award qualification. Try contacting your local college in the first instance as they may be able to help you out. Failing that there are many awarding bodies who would help but by all means check out relevant resources

A1 Assessor Award

How do i get access to nvq students in order to complete a1 assessor award course?

Sometimes we get asked questions such as this or related nvq care assessor award questions
The answer simply is to make sure you are enrolled in an NVQ Center in your chosen field of assessment. You will then need to Assess two candidates to enable you to complete your A1 nvq award qualification. Try contacting your local college in the first instance as they may be able to help you out. Failing that there are many awarding bodies who would help but by all means check out relevant resources

A1 Assessor-ptlls assignment-NVQ in Care-Reflective Account

How would you identify and compare different types of evidence when making your assessment decisions

In simple terms you identify different types of evidence
during the planning process with your
candidate ie you look at how she is going to
provide evidence
1. By you observing
2. By you providing a candidate reflection
3. By obtaining witness statement
4. By you asking her questions.
You compare these different types by assessing
their strengths eg. No 1&4 would be strong
evidence as you are the assessor making the
judgment. No 3 would be strong or weak
depending who was
types of evidence